Thank you for investing in Newaygo County’s youth and in our entire community! Sending your contributions to the Newaygo County Area Promise Zone will provide skills training and education for our youth – future employees for local employers – and a real boost to our local economy. The Newaygo County Area Promise Zone will help us retain and attract new families and businesses to our community. Thank you for joining us to make post-secondary education a priority for every student in our area.
Donations can be sent to:
Newaygo County Area Promise Zone
4747 W. 48th Street
Fremont, MI 49412-8119
Promise Zone Paper Donation Form
Donate Now Online through PayPal

Michael, a 2022 Newaygo High School graduate and Promise Zone Scholar, has been a shining example of how a student can utilize the Promise Scholarship to earn in-demand credentials and secure employment in the community he grew up in. While Michael pursued a degree in Manufacturing Technology, he also took full advantage of his training opportunities and received several certificates within his field of work. Michael’s experience provided him with a variety of sought-after skills that continue to serve him well today as a professional in his field.
Recently we were able to catch up with Michael and learn more about what the Promise Zone meant for him and his pursuit of higher learning.

“MCC offered me an affordable pathway to earning my degree while allowing me to stay close to home. I was also able to receive several certificates while enrolled at MCC that provided me with necessary skills that I use every day.”

“It was a breath of fresh air being able to go to school and only having to worry about books and the cost of transportation as my only expenses.”

“I would have had to work a part-time job to cover my costs while attending MCC as a part-time student if I had not been in the program. It would have drawn out the process of receiving my degree and being able to pursue and eventually earn my job here at Mighty Lube.”

“My role is computer-aided design. I specialize in blueprint drafting, 3d design, and machine assembly. My education trained me to use real-world tools in my job and gave me a wide range of skills in machine technology as well as CNC.”

“I am much closer to the community and the people here. The Career Tech Center offered me a great kick start into my interest and the Promise Zone allowed me to further my education and become a professional.”

“Do extra! Stay involved and connected to grow your network of people around you. Be open to failing and try everything until you find your niche.”
In addition to Michael, the team was able to gain an employer’s perspective from Pat Brown. Pat is the President of Mighty Lube Systematic Lubrication Inc. and has been a long-time supporter and acting board member of the Newaygo County Area Promise Zone.

“They have a great work ethic and are prepared to do their jobs.” -Pat Brown

“It helps the whole community and students who are in financial need afford school and benefit the workforce when they graduate.” -Pat Brown
As a result of the community’s overwhelming support, the Promise Zone may continue offering Newaygo County students the opportunity to enhance their education and invest in their futures without the financial barriers that often accompany higher education. This investment not only opens doors for our students but also benefits our community as graduates return to the area, entering the workforce as well-prepared and educated employees.